Pet Chiropractic Services at Valley View Veterinary Hospital in Bozeman, MT
If your pet is experiencing conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, lameness, gastrointestinal disease, chronic health issues, or back problems, pet chiropractic services in Bozeman, MT, may provide the relief they need. At Valley View Veterinary Hospital, we offer professional chiropractic manipulation that can help ease pain, improve flexibility and mobility, and enhance overall organ function.
Understanding Pet Chiropractic Services
Chiropractic therapy for pets is based on the relationship between the spinal cord and the nervous system throughout the body. This therapy often involves strengthening or stretching muscles and recommends post-manipulation exercises. Pets typically show minimal signs of pain or discomfort during these therapy sessions.
Chiropractors begin by evaluating the function and structure of the spine, extremities, and skull. They perform a thorough examination and review the pet’s clinical history. Based on this assessment, they identify and treat any vertebrae and joints that are out of alignment or abnormally positioned.

Benefits of Pet Chiropractic Services
There are numerous benefits to chiropractic services for pets. Professional chiropractic manipulation can help:
Ease pain from conditions such as arthritis and hip dysplasia.
Improve flexibility and mobility, especially in pets with lameness or back problems.
Enhance organ function, contributing to overall health and well-being.
Promote healing and improve range of motion in pets injured during sporting events or other activities.
Assist in managing chronic health issues, providing a complementary therapy to traditional treatments.
Integrating Chiropractic Services with Traditional Therapies
At Valley View Veterinary Hospital, we use veterinary chiropractic services in conjunction with traditional therapies to ensure your pet receives the best possible care. This integrated approach allows us to address various health issues more effectively, combining the benefits of chiropractic manipulation with other medical treatments.
Schedule an Appointment
To determine if your pet is a candidate for chiropractic therapy, please contact Valley View Veterinary Hospital. Our experienced veterinarians will perform a thorough examination and discuss the potential benefits of chiropractic services for your pet. We are committed to providing comprehensive care so your pet achieves the best possible health outcomes.